免費的中文課程又來了!!! 目前疫情趨緩,台灣的國境也已經開放,為了歡迎所有國外的朋友來台灣旅行和學中文,我們特別規劃一系列的旅遊華語課程,協助各位喜歡旅行和華語的朋友做好行前規劃,希望未來有機會能在彰化跟大家見面唷!名額有限,先搶為快!
Free online Chinese courses are here again!!! Recently, the epidemic situation has been eased, and Taiwan’s borders have also been opened. In order to welcome you to travel and learn Mandarin in Taiwan in the future, we have planned a series of online Chinese courses on travel to help you whom enjoy travelling or are interested in learning Mandarin. Accordingly, you can make a travel plan or study plan for Taiwan through these online courses. In the near future, we hope to meet you in in real person in Changhua!Places are limited, so grab them quick!Course Date: December 6~20
Application Deadline: November 30
Admission announcement: December 2
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