
【110.9.6】彰化師大線上華語課程秋季班 NCUE Online Mandarin Course-Autumn School

🌏NCUE Online Mandarin Course-Autumn School
🍁招收對象 Qualifications:
1.對華語文有興趣者 Foreigners who are interested in learning Chinese.
2.年滿16歲之外籍人士Foreigners who are over 16 years old.

日期Date: 4 October-27 November
班級人數Class capacity: 4~10 students per class
報名截止Deadline of Application:21 September
學費 Tuition:NT$7,360/ NT$4,600
報名表單Online Application:https://forms.gle/zM933sbjaauVczP48

You can choose the class by your available time
A-周末班Weekend Classes
B-夜間班Night Classes
C-日間班Morning ClassesOr Choose the class by your level and topics
1️⃣生活華語 Living Mandarin
2️⃣實用華語 Practical Chinese
3️⃣商務華語 Business Chinese
4️⃣溝通華語 Situational Mandarin
5️⃣發音與會話 Pronunciation &ConversationAnd

We offer various online payment methodsCredit card, Bank Remittance, pay at a convenience store, 台灣PayShare this post to invite your friends to join!

🔎More Course Informationhttp://lcch.ncue.edu.tw/curriculum_information/8/16?lang=en✍️Online Applicationhttps://forms.gle/zM933sbjaauVczP48