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2024 Online Workshop on Enhancing Chinese Language Teaching and Digital Media Design

2024 Online Workshop on Enhancing Chinese Language Teaching and Digital Media Design, organized by The Language Center of National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, in collaboration with the Taiwan Ministry of Education’s project on dispatching Chinese Teacher to Thailand and the Taiwan Education Center in Thailand (TEC). We invite you to participate in this workshop, participants who complete the training will receive e-certificate for 6 hours. The training will be conducted online, registration is open from today until September 29, 2024, or until seats are filled.

Workshop Details:

Topics : Chinese language online learning and digital media design

8:00 – 11:00 Thailand time

  • Introduction of digital resources and tools to support teaching by using Taiwan’s core teaching materials.
  • Learning how to use effectively PowerPoint master slides.

13:00 – 16:00 Thailand time

  • How to quickly create teaching presentations using ChatGPT in combination with Canva.
  • Generating images with AI.
  • Conducting interactive classroom learning with Quizlet and Kahoot.

Lecturer: 邱佩緹 (Qiu,Pei-ti)

Format: Online, Using Zoom application

Duration: 6 hours

Certificate: E-Certificate upon completion

Registration Period: From today until September 29th, 2024, or until capacity is reached.

Registration at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1DklcUvdnwLvmJPK__L9EwZZCYvtXSrccTihRWpJFC6s/viewform?edit_requested=true

Please sign up before the deadline or until we reach full capacity.

We look forward to your participation!


  1. This workshop will be lecture in Chinese, no translation provided.
  2. Free of charge

Contact information (Taiwan):
Language Center, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology
Contact person:Miss weng
Tel: +886-8770-3202#7715

Contact information:
Taiwand Education Center in Thailand, Bangkok
contact person:Apiporn Chamnanpaison 陳彩雲
Tel :02-579-1068, 063-437-4188

2024華語師資培訓 線上工作坊

課程日期: 2024年10月05日(六)08:00-11:00, 13:00-16:00 泰國時間 (共6小時)

08:00 – 11:00 泰國時間

  • 臺灣主流教材數位輔助教學資源介紹及數位工具介紹

13:00 – 16:00 泰國時間

  • 如何利用 ChatGPT結合Canva 快速製作教學簡報
  • AI生成圖片
  • 進行課堂互動學習Quizlet、kahoot

上課方式 : Zoom


報名時間:即日起至9月24 截止或額滿為止


  1. 全程以中文授課,不提供現場翻譯。
  2. 全程免費

聯絡方式 (台灣):
電話: +886-8770-3202#7715

聯絡方式 (泰國):
聯絡人:陳彩雲(Apiporn Chamnanpaison)