
【2021.7.30】 NCUE Online Mandarin Course-SUMMER School 2

Grab your time to learn Mandarin with us and friends from the world!🌏NCUE Online Mandarin Course-SUMMER School 2

招收對象 Qualifications:
1.對華語文有興趣者 Foreigners who are interested in learning Chinese.
2.年滿16歲之外籍人士Foreigners who are over 16 years old.

7 Aug.-25 Sep.

班級人數Class capacity:
5~10 students per class

報名截止Deadline of Application:
31 July (Weekend class-Business Chinese) /5 August

學費 Tuition:
NT$5,500/ NT$3,450

報名表單Online Application:

You can choose the class by your available time
A-周末班Weekend Classes
B-夜間班Night Classes
C-日間班Morning ClassesOr Choose the class by your level and topics

1️⃣生活華語 Living Mandarin
2️⃣實用華語 Practical Chinese
3️⃣商務華語 Business Chinese
4️⃣溝通華語 Situational Mandarin

And we offer various online payment methodsCredit card, Bank Remittance, pay at a convenience store, 台灣PayShare this post to invite your friends to join!

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✍️Online Application