📣 Free Online Course : A completely free MOOC course provided by National Chiayi University
✅ Massive Open Online Course/MOOC
✅ Self-directed online learning
✅ Available for anyone to enroll
✅ Topics cover broad categories
🌈 Course information:
Presentation:More Than A Presentation
Instructor : Prof. Sy-Chyi Wang(Department of E-learning Design and Management)
Registration deadline : ~Aug 31st, 2023
🌈 Course Objective:
🔺To see the profession of presentation
🔺To realize what to say to the world, how to say it and why to say it.
🔺To deliver one’s will and belief with heartfelt passion.
🔺Eventually, hope to discover oneself, to embrace the individual difference, and further, to find out one’s position.
“More than a Presentation” is a journey of exploration and challenge, and of introspection and self-reflection, to search and to deliver passion through confronting and walking into the crowd.
✦ Go to course:
step1: click ”sign in” -> create a new account
step2: please check the confirmation letter in your email address
step3: click link and sign in to your account -> register for the course