“2021 Share Your Perceptions in Taiwan (For Foreign Students Only)”
✎ Participant Eligibility All foreign students enrolled in institutions of higher education in Taiwan are invited to submit their written work.
Eligible participants include degree students, language center students and exchange students.
✎ Instructions Please upload the files including your perceptions and photos. Also, please reply each question in English only. (Download the perceptions template ☛ https://bit.ly/3cGbNA9 )
✎ Length At least 100 words to each question.
♟ Awards:
✓ First Stage FICHET will select 40 winners for NT$1,000 gift certificates (minus 20% VAT).
✓ Second Stage The 40 winners provide a 30 seconds short video to show your experience to study in Taiwan. Outstanding works will have a chance to win grand prize.
◆ First Prize (1 selection): iPad 128G Wi-Fi (including tax)
◆ Second Prize (1 selection): Apple Watch SE (including tax)
◆ Third Prize (1 selection): AirPods Pro (including tax)
✉ Upload Link: https://forms.gle/NFz9tAnjkQCm2yoR6
⌚ Deadline Please upload files before April 30, 2021 (requires google account to upload files)
รายละเอียดเพิ่มเติม https://www.studyintaiwan.org/news/content/103
